PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Leading Construction and Building Group

Dial A Contractor
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Project management entails planning, organizing, co-ordinating or scheduling, controlling and directing the activities of a project. Project management can also be regarded as a planning and control mechanism for using resources to achieve specific objectives. As with any project, good organization and management are essential elements in ensuring the success of a project. From a simple check listm to computer programmes, there are various ways in which to ensure the smooth running of a project and tracking when, where and how activities are to be completed. Project management is also about overcoming obstacles which are numerous when involved in the building of a home, like unrealistic expectations of the owner and the limited number of skills available within the industry.

Project management has three critical elements: time, cost and quality. These elements interact constantly and a balance must be established and maintained between them. Remembering if time and cost receive priority, then quality will be neglected, and vice versa. The reality in South Africa at present is the emphasis on time and cost, resulting in many poorly built homes, which is compounded by the lack of skills.


ADDRESS: PO BOX 16123, PANORAMA, 7506    
CAPE: 021 300 1098   BLOEMFONTEIN: 051 004 0119   DURBAN: 031 100 1164   JOHANNESBURG: 011 568 0712   PORT ELIZABETH: 041 004 0007   PRETORIA: 012 004 0239    POLOKWANE: 015 004 0199
FACSIMILE: 086 650 5033    EMERGENCY CONTACT: 082 509 3022  

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