STEEL WINDOWS - Leading Construction and Building Group

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Steel is the strongest and most cost effective window construction and burglar bars can be welded in position. Steel windows offer considerable savings during construction and withstand rough handling during transport and building activities. Steel can be cut, curved and welded to meet precise details in purpose made designs and can be finished in any colour.

Windows can be custom manufactured to client’s specific requirements, with a range of standard sizes available for general use. Most steel products are available in galvanised or dipped in corrosion resistant red-oxide paint. This ensures that they cannot be damaged by rain and can be painted in a wide range of colours.

When windows are to be fitted into existing or newly built openings, it is essential that the openings are plumb, square and to the correct size. The sizes of openings should provide 3mm clearance all round the window frame. New openings are best formed around well-braced templates. If the window opening is not rebated, the back of the frame sections should be filled with a waterproof cement filler. Because the manufacturers ensure that opening lights bed correctly before leaving the factory, they should not be opened until required for fixing. On completion of fixing, windows should be closed again until they are glazed. They should never be used as a means of access.

Before glazing, all opening lights should be checked for correct opening and closing and the fittings tested for proper operation. Any damage or distortion that has occurred as the result of bad site handling or installation must be rectified before glazing starts.

To ensure maximum weather performance, frames should be set back at least 75mm from the face of the wall. A sub-frame is only necessary if there is a need for a bolder perimeter line. When windows are being built in, care must be taken to keep the window both plumb and square. Where composite windows are being fixed, attention must be paid to alignment across the couplings. Fixings should be at the holes adjacent to the couplings. For windows, which are fixed directly into cavity brickwork, the position of the jamb is important. The window should be set so that the back of the long leg is in front of the cavity. This will allow for full weather protection by the insertion of a vertical damp proof membrane into the frame section against the long leg.

The membrane should project into the brickwork cavity to prevent the formation of a water path. The space at the back of the frame should be filled with a fillet of waterproof cement.

A gap, which should not exceed 3mm, should be maintained between the frame edge and the brickwork. All frames have fixing holes for which the manufacturer will supply fixing lugs designed to set into the mortar course. The height of windows may not always coincide with brick courses. In such cases, it is advisable to position the window to fit closely under the lintel and adjust the brickwork under the sill to the correct level. Sills should be positioned with the outside face of the up stand, in line with the inner face of the outer leaf of brickwork, to ensure that the window locates correctly at the jamb. The window should be sealed to the sill with bedding compound. External pointing is recommended.

Pressed steel sills should be fixed to timber sills with number 10 rust proof wood screws. Tile brick on edge or special brick sills are frequently used. These should always be designed to allow the frame to locate correctly at the jamb.

Projecting hinges for easy cleaning can be supplied, at extra charge if ordered.

Ordering instructions for steel residential windows & doors
Quantity of each type, quoting type letters and numbers in full.

The hands of side hung casements and doors (the ‘hand’ is the side on which hinges are fitted looking from inside).
  • Whether the doors are to open outwards or inwards
  • Whether side hung windows require project hinges
  • Whether burglar bars are required
  • Whether hot-dip galvanising is required
  • Whether fly-screens are required

Note: windows and doors shown without glazing bars have the prefix ‘N’ added.

When ordering the alternative ‘horizontal plane’ types, the suffix ‘H’ should be used. In the case of all bars, only the type No. is used.

Larger units may be formed by coupling units together with standard mullions and transoms.

Industrial Sashes
  • Quantity of each type, quoting type letters and number in full.
  • What type of fixing is required.
  • Whether vents are to be horizontally pivoted or bottom hung.
  • Whether burglar bars are required.
  • Whether fly-screens are required.


ADDRESS: PO BOX 16123, PANORAMA, 7506    
CAPE: 021 300 1098   BLOEMFONTEIN: 051 004 0119   DURBAN: 031 100 1164   JOHANNESBURG: 011 568 0712   PORT ELIZABETH: 041 004 0007   PRETORIA: 012 004 0239    POLOKWANE: 015 004 0199
FACSIMILE: 086 650 5033    EMERGENCY CONTACT: 082 509 3022  

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