A picture paints a thousand word and this one speaks warmth. Ok, so South Africa’s wonderful summers seem to stretch out forever, but when they are gone and the chills of winter set in… There’s nothing more rewarding than sitting in front of your fireplace watching the naked flames dance and sipping a lovely cuppa or enjoying a glass of Cape red. There are several fire place options to choose from, the one featured above is a cast iron fireplace or wood burner, this type of fire makes the wood burn up to three times the length of open wood fires, and of course does not consume fossil fuels such a gas fire which do have a negative effect on our environment. However, for sheer convenience no-fuss and minimal cleaning, gas fires can be controlled literally at the flick of a switch.
Installing indoor braai’s or fires is quite a simple task until the flu reaches the roof, and has to go through tiles or slate or IBR sheeting etc. The right waterproofing expertise is essential, or you will be seeing rust on your chimney flu and puddles on your floor at the first sign of rain. To prevent problems, please choose a Dial A Contractor's accredited installer, they are not expensive and they do the job right the first time. If you require a brick built or stone fireplace, please ask us for a builder. Our gas installers are authorised companies – a must for your insurers.




![]() | Gas Stove |
![]() | Wood-fired Stove |
![]() | Closed Combustion |
![]() | Open Combustion |


"James was amazing, he understood what we wanted or rather helped us understand what we wanted and then he brought it to life. The project was well managed by James and it finished on time" - Charles Zimbali
"I have used Garath and his team for all our company needs for the last 4 years and I couldn't be more satisfied with how quickly they attend to us and the way they manage the process of having plans approved at council level. They continuously surpass our expectations!" - Peter Smith
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Only the best materials
Only "A" - grade hot rolled mild steel of 3mm thickness is used for fire boxes, which ensures a long lasting product and peace of mind.
Further benefits
Further benefits of this unique braai is that it enables one to do conventional grilling, bake bread, prepare stir-fry dishes, do a traditional potjie kos, smoke meat or fish, or even spit-roast the occasional leg of lamb using the heavy duty rotisserie option.
The ember maker
Most of the Braais are fitted with an ember maker for the quick and easy making of embers, which allows braaing within 15 minutes. This unique ember maker concept is a feature originally designed by Home Fires which will give you much pleasure. This unit makes kindling a fire an easy task. It provides you with a continuous flow of embers and you have the enjoyment of a fire for the full duration of you braai process.
Also a fireplace
You can use your braai unit as a fireplace to heat your indoor entertainment area when it is equipped with convection ducts or with a chimney damper.
Convenient worktop
All 800, 1000, 1200 & 1500 models have an upper door as well as a lower door that serves as a convenient table or worktop.
Choose your settings
All braais feature height adjustable grills.
A wide variety of accessories are available that enables creative barbecuing.
Always visible
Most of the braais feature a 220V light fitting on the inside to provide enough light even for use at night.
You should never choose a stove solely for it looks and design – there are many other considerations that you need to take into account. To get the most out of your stove, it is important that the stove’s output capacity matches your actual heating needs. If the stove is too powerful, the air supply will be limited, which in turn gives a poorer combustion and results in more soot accumulation in the stove and chimney. In other words, both fuel and stove are used inefficiently. The following are important:
How do you determine what size stove you need?
There are several ways to do this. A very rough guideline is to first, calculate the square metreage of the area to be heated, with assuming a standard ceiling height of 2,7metres.
If your area is partly insulated, or not very tight, then divide your square metres by 10, to get to the kW heating capacity of the correct stove.
If your area is average in insulation, then divide your square metres by 13, to get to the kW heating capacity of the correct stove.
If your area is well insulated, for instance double brick insulated brick walls and double glazing and insulated roof, then divide your square metres by 20, to get to the kW heating capacity of the correct stove.
This is a starting point for you. Again, please keep in mind that this is a very rough guideline because it does not take into account what part of the country you reside. Heating requirements in Mesina will vary from Sutherland. That is why you should discuss this with your Dealer in much more detail. Every home is a little different and because of the variation in floor plans from home to home, heat will flow differently thus affecting comfort levels. And, not everyone wants a Dovre stove for primary heat. Many choose to have their stove a secondary source of heat, and for the aesthetics that a wood fire brings to the hearth.
Holiday home or permanent residence?
In most cases, heating needs are less for holiday homes. For permanent residence, stove size depends on individual needs.
Primary or secondary heating?
If the stove is to be used as the main source of heat in the home, you should choose one that matches the size of your house – preferably a convection stove, since these distribute heat optimally. If the stove is only to be used as a secondary source of heat, on the other hand, e.g. to heat up a living room, then a smaller stove is the right choice.
Home insulation
Houses vary enormously in how well they are insulated, and if your house is poorly insulated, you should choose a slightly bigger stove.
Dovre’s stoves are designed around your particular fuel needs, and therefore you are not restricted to a particular type of fuel. Hard wood and anthracite are suitable if the stove is intended as the main source of heat, for example, or if it is going to be used as a supplement to other forms of heating. If you only want to create a cozy atmosphere, wood or gas is the obvious choice. The most common types of fuel are briefly described below:
Wood is an economical and environment-friendly resource. Even if you have to buy the wood, e.g. from a forester, it is still cheaper that burning oil and gas or electric heating. You have to make up the fire more often with wood that with other types of fuel, of course, but wood gives quicker and more pleasant warmth.
Anthracite are a good supplementary fuel if, for example, you want to keep the fire in all night. Anthracite and similar oil-based products are suitable for use in stoves with a cast iron grate. This fuel has an extremely high calorific value, and is perfect if you only want to make up the fire less often. Use a Dovre coal insert for the built-in fireplace.
L.P. Gas is convenient to use and gives a uniform heating throughout the heating period.
A well-functioning chimney is crucial to a successful installation. In principle, the chimney acts as the stove’s motor. If it does not have the right draught, the stove will not function optimally. Modern stoves make greater demands on, for example, draught and chimney conditions, than older stoves which use traditional burning principles. All stoves must be installed in accordance with building regulations. For stoves installed in single-family homes, semi-detached, terraced houses, summer houses, etc. the rules and regulations of the small home apply. You, your technical consultant or builder, are responsible for ensuring that the regulations are complied with. It is therefore a good idea to get in touch with the local council, who can tell you all you need to know.
Space requirements
Today all Dovre stoves are characterized as closed fireplaces with the regulations that applies.
Chimney connection
Dovre stoves can be connected to chimneys where other solid fuel closed fireplaces, e.g. another wood stove is also connected, provided that each appliance uses its own flue pipe.
The Chimney’s draught is created by the difference between the high temperature inside the chimney and the colder temperature outside.
A good draught is obtained:
* When there is a big difference between the inside and outside temperatures
* In clear weather
* When the chimney has the right height
Poor draught results:
* When the temperature difference is too small, e.g. due to a poorly insulated chimney
* When the outside temperature is too high, e.g. in summer
* If the chimney is not high enough, so that it is sheltered by tall trees or rooftops. In such cases, there is a big danger of return smoke
* When false air gets into the chimney, e.g. through cracks in the joints
Connecting the stove to the chimney does not require authorizations, but if you want help, talk to your dealer about it. Dovre stoves can be connected to either brick or steel chimneys.
Brick chimney
Most Dovre stoves can be connected from the top or back. A flue sleeve is bricked into the wall and the flue inserted into this and sealed using ceramic packing cord. The advantage of a top connection is that you also get the extra heat given off by the flue gasses in the stove pipe.
Steel chimney
As previously mentioned, Dovre stoves can be connected from the top or back, but with a steel chimney, the connection is mostly from the top.
When choosing a gas or wood-fired stove its capacity is a determining factor. Many people are unaware that an average living room space only requires 3 to 4 kilowatts (kW) to heat it. This is especially true in today's well-insulated homes and, given the fact that many homes already have more than one heating source; the fire in the living room is often just used for additional heating.
Yet consumers often go for a too high a capacity, with the risk that they subsequently use the fire sparingly or can only burn at a low degree, otherwise it would become too hot for the room. With wood-fired stoves and heaters this results in poor combustion, blackened glass and high emissions. With gas fires, it particularly means you don't get to enjoy the lovely flame effect these fires have to offer.
Calculating the capacity needed to heat the space you have in mind is very easy. The graph shows the capacities indicated in kWs. The space to be heated is indicated in cubic meters (m3). The number of cubic meters is determined by multiplying the length, width and height of the space. You can then read the capacity you require at the intersection of one of the three lines. Which of these three lines you select depends on the degree to which your home is insulated.
Your home is:

This graph helps you to select a gas fire or wood stove. In any case, it helps you to make a choice from the huge range on offer in terms of the capacity that best matches your specific requirements.
Open and closed combustion
In addition to this, the choice between open or closed combustion is equally important. 'Open combustion' may lead you to think we are talking about an open fire, without a glass front, but this isn't the case. Open combustion is the name given to the system whereby air is extracted from the room in which the fire or heater is positioned, and where the flue gases are removed via a single flue.
What types of stoves are there?
Wood fires and stoves always have an open combustion system. It is important to know when choosing your wood fire or stove that good ventilation in the home is a prerequisite. When a home is well-ventilated you can always install a wood fire or stove. In exceptional circumstances, such as homes with a so-called 'Balance Ventilation System' there are fires and stoves with exterior air feeds. An increasing number of fires and stoves are equipped with such an exterior air feed, or offer this as extra. With this system the combustion air is extracted from outdoors. Please take into account that with a wood firer, the flue must always go upwards, through the roof and outdoors, and must even reach above roof ridge height.
On the other hand with gas fires and stoves, there is the choice of closed combustion, whereby the requisite combustion air is directly extracted from outside and the flue gases are removed via the same flue. Such extraction can, in many cases, be simply fed through the outside wall or roof. This means you have more flexibility in the exact positioning of your fire. As the system extracts oxygen from outdoors and not from the room where the stove is placed, the system is also ideally suited to the modern, well-insulated and mechanically ventilated home. In the case of gas fires and, you will always be advised to opt for closed combustion. However, if you wish to connect a gas fire or stove to an existing chimney with a diameter of less than 150 mm, then open combustion may well be an option as this requires a smaller flue.
Having read this, you will no doubt conclude that in making your final choice of fire, you will need personal, expert advice. And of course you will want to see the range of models you are keen on in person, and maybe even see them in action.
South Africas number 1 installer of braais and fireplaces.
Installer of braais and fireplaces.
Leading installer of braais and fireplaces.
Skilled people have years of experience in installation of braais and fireplaces.
Well established company that endeavours to fulfill all the requirements of an accomplished installer of braais and fireplaces.
Prides itself on the successful installation of braais and fireplaces.
High standard of quality and the most economically priced installer of braais and fireplaces.
Installer of braais and fireplaces.
Premier residential and small-scale commercial installer of braais and fireplaces.