SITE HUTS AND TOILETS - Leading Construction and Building Group

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Site huts
Site huts are an absolute necessity if no other water or rain-proof lockable facility is available. They would generally be used for the storage of cement or any other items susceptible to water damage or theft. Examples of such huts are:
a timber frame clad in corrugated iron sheeting (wendy houses)
brick-built with a mud type mortar mix and demolished on completion
park homes (for larger sites)
It must be noted that stringent regulations are enforced regarding site huts and other temporary facilities, and the onus falls on the builder to be aware of these regulations. These regulations would relate mostly to the occupant of such a dwelling who would reside therein as a watchman or the like. The type of flooring, adequate ventilation, roofing and more would have to adhere to the minimum regulations set down by the local authority. Should any accidents occur where the occupant is injured, the building contractor would be held responsible.

Site toilets
Most new building sites do not have toilet facilities, but portable toilets can be hired, or temporary site toilets conforming to local authority regulations can be constructed for use during the term of construction.

Siting of site toilets
No excavation for a pit latrine can be sited within 3 metres of any building or any boundary of the site on which it is located.

Where any excavation for a pit latrine is positioned outside the closet so that excreta is delivered into it from a chute fitted under the closet seat, such excavation must be adequately covered over.

Where any closet, other than a chemical closet, forms part of any dwelling house, such closet should be so positioned and constructed as to prevent the transmission of odours to the rest of such house. No closet, other than a chemical closet, shall open directly into any habitable room.

Any closet which contains a removable pail shall be provided with access to such pail for replacement purposes so that the pail is not carried out through the doorway of such closet and such access must be provided with a self-closing fly proof lid.


ADDRESS: PO BOX 16123, PANORAMA, 7506    
CAPE: 021 300 1098   BLOEMFONTEIN: 051 004 0119   DURBAN: 031 100 1164   JOHANNESBURG: 011 568 0712   PORT ELIZABETH: 041 004 0007   PRETORIA: 012 004 0239    POLOKWANE: 015 004 0199
FACSIMILE: 086 650 5033    EMERGENCY CONTACT: 082 509 3022  

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