A coloured waterproof cement based coating, requiring mixing with water only, before being applied direct to brickwork, blockwork or cured plaster in one or two coats. Having a base of white cement, it sets rock-hard and is ultra-violet ray resistant, economical, waterproof and extremely durable. Application by 200mm block brush. Passes 24hr SABS rain penetration test.
Coverage: Depending on suction and texture.
1st coat: 10 - 14 square metres
2nd coat: 18 - 22 square metres
Available in a wide range of colours.
Colorcem Coloured Scratch Plaster
A high quality portland cement for floors, precast concrete, plaster and terrazzo. As the use of Colorcem involves care and dedication, the reader is advised to contact the Cemcrete Technical Department before applying.
Arctic Plaster - White Cement Finish
A white cement-based skim plaster supplied in powder form requiring only the addition of water before being applied in one coat 3 mm thick to wood floated cement plaster. Sets rock-hard and is unaffected by ultra-violet rays. Can be sealed with Cemcrete's concrete sealer or Silicon sealer.
Coverage: Approximately 4,5 sq. metres/20kg sack
Tuscany Plaster
A coloured cement plaster for interior and exterior, requiring mixing with water only before being applied by steel trowel 3-5mm thick directly onto conventional wood float plaster. Is ultra-violet resistant and unaffected by water. The final surface can be finished as brush, scratching, sponged, polished or wood floated and acid washed making different textures, and cures mottled, creating a living wall. The final surface should be sealed with Cemcrete. Available in a wide range of colours. The final surface should be sealed with Cemcrete Siliconseal solvent based.
Coverage: 2-4 m.sq./40 kg sack depending on thickness.
Texturite Roughcast
A coloured cement-based decorative finish for exteriors and interiors on walls and ceilings Integrally coloured to eliminate painting. Permanently hides plaster crazing and similar defects. Supplied in powder form for mixing with water. Used in conjunction with Cembond where application is to smooth or friable backings. Application by hand operated Tyrol flicking machine. Available in various colours.
Ceilings - 4 square metres per 25 kg
A coloured cement based material specially formulated be plastered to excessive thickness but does not slide or shrink and dries rock hard. Slow setting gives plenty of time to work and manipulate the material "insitu" on the wall while wet.
Can be coloured with Colorcem or imprinted using Coloured Release Agent and rubber moulds. Lends itself to artistic carving when biscuit hard. Can be sealed with colour hardener sealer to enhance colour. Available in various colours.
Coverage: approx. 3 square metres per 40 kg depending on thickness applied.
An economical coloured waterproof cement-based textured finish for exteriors and interiors on walls and ceilings. Integrally coloured to eliminate painting. Brushed to waterproof and then stippled to texture using a whitewash blockbrush directly onto brickwork or blockwork. Cure each coat with water three times the following day. Passes 24 hour SABS rain penetration test on two coat application.
Coverage: 10 - 14 square metres per 40 kg sack stippled 14 - 22 square metres per 40 kg sack brushed (Both depend on surface suction).
Basecoat And Adhesive
An integral part of the Exterior Insulation Finish System -EIFS. A special mixture of adhesives, fillers, plasticisers, etc. for mixing with ordinary Portland cement to obtain a controlled mixture for repair of concrete and masonry, attaching and subsequent surfacing of polystyrene insulation boards prior to painting, etc.
Base coat and Adhesives use is twofold:
Firstly it can be used as a "base coat" for levelling, patching and filling masonry, concrete and plaster before painting, with or without a glassfibre reinforcing mesh. And secondly as an adhesive for pasting insulation board polystyrene) or feature segments onto interior or exterior buildings before covering with glassfibre, reinforced mesh impregnated with the same material.
Available in 25 kg drums
Coverage: 0,5 square metres per kg mixed material 3mm thick.
Cembond - General Adhesive, Cement Additive, Plaster Keying Aid
A general purpose liquid for bonding and fixing of or on concrete, brick, ceramic tiles, cement plaster, stone, timber, firm oil plant, etc. Cembond obviates chipping, is non-flammable and has been proved over the past 34 years to be a safe, dependable adhesive for the building industry. For the best results, all surfaces should be non flaking as well as grease and dirt free. Protect against freezing in the can and on the wall within a few hours of application. Will not bond to plastic, rubber or gypsum plaster. Wash buckets and rollers in water when temporarily not in use.
The application of Cembond using different dilutions with water are numerous and a comprehensive data sheet is available on request. Especially useful when applying ordinary cement plaster, Cemcrete's Skim Plaster, acrylic paint, Thermoplastic coating, Tile adhesive, Cemwash, Brickwash, Stipplecrete, Arctic plaster, Texturite roughcast, etc., to smooth, friable or dusting surfaces.
Acoustic Ceiling Spray
A lightweight blend of spraying ceilings to create a roughcast appearance before being coated with an acrylic paint in the desired colour. For most ceiling surfaces such as off shutter concrete, paper board, Rhinolite, etc., use with Cembond.
Coverage: Approximately 20 square metres per 20kg
Thermoplastic Coating - Coloured And Textured
A tough resin-based, thermoplastic, textured coating containing silica and mica for maximum film protection against ultra-violet rays. Provides a super durable coating for xterior walls and roofs, capable of hiding surface imperfections and hairline cracks. Supplied ready for use, it might require thinning with water. Application by brush or roller. Wash tools with water. Available in ten colours.
Coverage: 4-6 square metres per litre per coat.
Interior Crack Filler
An easy to work cellulose crack filler for filling cracks, gaps around door and window frames, light switches, sills, nail holes, wood grain, knot holes, etc. Adheres to cement plaster, gypsum plaster, fibre cement and timber. Supplied in powder form for mixing with water.
Exterior Crack Filler
A tough thermoplastic acrylic-based crack filler supplied ready to use in paste form for filling cracks and other imperfections in plaster and concrete before painting.