Because of the present day trend to simplify the exterior appearance of houses by eliminating unnecessary and costly decoration, architectural expression in houses is obtained to a large degree by the relationship of window areas to solid wall areas. The number and placement of windows, and even the type of windows, affect the architectural character of the house.
While windows must first be selected, sized and located to satisfy interior requirements, minor adjustments in size and/or location may be necessary to provide an acceptable appearance on the exterior of the house. Windows should be so used that the house gives an appearance of continuity, rather than one of unrelated glass and wall areas.
Use of large glass areas usually requires some controls for privacy, both in the daytime and at night. Obvious controls include draperies and blinds. Consideration must be given to the size and the placement of these hangings so that they do not cancel the benefits of breeze. The use of louvres or other opaque types of ventilating units which do not have to be draped is one solution to this problem of privacy with ventilation. Placing windows high in the wall is another effective means of obtaining privacy, especially in bedrooms.
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